Education Structure in Peru
Education in Peru is organized into school education and higher education. Here you will learn about Education Structure in Peru.
School Education in Peru
School education in Peru starts with preschool, followed by 6- years’ of compulsory primary education, and 5 years of compulsory secondary education. One year of preschool education is mandatory to attend. Secondary education is divided into 2 cycles: Cycle one is general secondary education and is of 2 years, and cycle 2 is academic/ technical secondary education of 3 years. Pupils are required to choose between technical secondary education and academic secondary education.
Period of Compulsory Education
Pre-primary Education (Educacion Inicial)
School type: Creches
School type: Nursery
School type: Kindergarten(Compulsory)
- Duration: 1 year
- Ages: 5 to 6
Primary Education (Educacion Primaria)
- Duration: 6 years
- Ages: 6 to 12
- Grades: 1 to 6
- Certificate awarded: Official Certificate of Primary Education (Certificado Oficial de Educacion Primaria)
Secondary Education (Educacion Secundaria)
- Duration: 5 years
- Ages: 12 to 17
- Grades: 7 to 12
Secondary education is divided into two cycles:
- General secondary education
- Academic or Technical secondary education
General Secondary Education (Ciclo General)
- Duration: 2 years
- Entry requirement: Official Certificate of Primary Education
- Ages: 12 to 14
- Grades: 7-8
Academic Secondary Education (Ciclo Diversificado)
- School type: Educational Center (Centro Educativo) College (Colegio,)
- Duration: 3 years
- Entry requirement: General secondary education (Ciclo General)
- Ages: 14 to 17
- Grades: 9-11
- Credential: Certificate of completion of the General Secondary Education (Certificado de Educacion Secundaria Comun Completa)
Technical Secondary Education (Ciclo Diversificado)
- Entry requirement: General secondary education (Ciclo General)
- School type: Higher School of Professional Education (Escuela Superior de Educacion Profesional)
- Duration: 3 years
- Ages: 14 to 17
- Grades: 9-11
- Credential: Diploma of professional competency (Diploma de Aptitud Profesional), Technical Bachillerato (Bachillerato Tecnico), Professional Bachillerato (Bachillerato Profesional)
Higher Education in Peru
Higher education in Peru is offered by universities, technological institutions, and postgraduate centres. There are public as well as private higher education institutions in Peru. Universities in Peru offer a wide range of courses at undergraduate, master and doctorate levels.
University Education
Undergraduate Level (Pregrado)
Bachelor's Programme
- Entry prerequisite: Certificate of completion of the General Secondary Education (Certificado de Educacion Secundaria Comun Completa)
- Duration: 4-6 years
- Credential awarded: Bachelor’s (Bachiller)
- Entry prerequisite: Bachiller
- Duration: 1 year beyond the Bachelor’s
- Credential awarded: Licenciado or other professional title, such as Engineer (Ingeniero)
Postgraduate Level (Postgrado)
Specialisation Programmes
- Entry requirement: Licenciado
- Duration: 1-2 years
- Credential awarded: Specialist (Especialista)
Masters Studies
- Entry requirement: Bachelor
- Duration: 2 years
- Credential awarded: Magister/ Maestro
Doctorate Studies
- Entry requirement: Master’s degree
- Duration: 3 to 5 years
- Credential awarded: Title of Doctor (Grado de Doctor)
Technical and Professional Education
Entry prerequisite: Certificate of completion of the General Secondary Education (Certificado de Educacion Secundaria Comun Completa), or an equivalent qualification.
Institution type: Higher Pedagogical Institute (Instituto Superior Pedagogico - ISP); Institute of Higher Technical Education (Instituto de Educacion Tecnica Superior - IETS); Higher Technological Institute (Instituto Superior Tecnologico - IST); Higher School of Professional Education- Cycle II (Escuela Superior de Educacion Profesional - ESEP)
Duration: 3 to 5 years, depending on the field of study
Credential awarded: Teacher (Profesor); Technician (Tecnico); Professional Bachiller (Bachiller Profesional); Professional Specialist (Especialista Profesional); Expert (Experto).